Daily Worship

stunned silences

November 04, 2014 0 0

Exodus 4: 10

But Moses said to the Lord, ‘ O my Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor even now that you have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow in tongue.


Faltering speech or being lost for words is not a barrier to offering leadership.  All effective leaders have known many times what it is to find it difficult to say something apt or meaningful.  Anyone who tells you differently is pretending they have every life situation summed up.  In those moments when words are hard to find or even inadequate to express something, leadership qualities can be born.  Those stunned silences force us to think, re-think, and think again about who we are and what we offer to others.



Christ, the Word of life itself, even you stood silent when faced with a fatal judgement.
Words fail me when I see the scale of injustice in the world.
Eloquent speech in situations which require clarity does not come easily.
Being lost for words is my usual response
when children suffer, 
rivers are poisoned, 
and weapons strike. 

In the shock of these silences, remind me of your words of love, forgiveness and hope;
remind me of who I am and what you created me to be;
remind me of the qualities around which you want me to build my living.  Amen.