Daily Worship


April 27, 2015 0 0

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

questions come,
honest, battling ones,
with each strike of the ten o’clock news – Syria, Nigeria, Ukraine, Nepal –
when suffering asks of faith
can the cross speak love even here?
And Jesus, in the peppered hours
of the night, three in the morning,
the questions come,
when our fears for the future rattle:
the shadow on the x-ray,
the loom of dementia, old age.
When doubt asks of faith,
can the cross speak love even here?
Jesus, questions from the needy places, You don’t always answer directly,
but rather meet us with this –
that while we were broken, distant people You died for us.
In suffering and doubt,
our powerless states,
easy answers would be too cheap.
Rather at Your cost
You allow us this rich discovery
of God’s love shown.