Daily Worship

Prayers from India

July 18, 2013 0 0

Matthew 9:12-13

Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

The number of young people who are infected with HIV is growing.  Apart from parent-to-child transmission, we see quite a number of young people in their early twenties who have recently contracted the disease.  They go through continuous medical need, deep emotional and spiritual confusion, and stress, along with financial pressure.  Some of them are not able to share their status of HIV with their close family members due to the fear of stigma and discrimination.   Much awareness and prevention is needed in every corner of society.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only Son to sacrifice His life. Through His obedience on the cross, it became possible for all of us, whether we are rich or poor, healthy or ill to call you “Father.”  Your heart for your children is for them to know that you love them and accept them as they are, and that you can heal them in every aspect of their lives.  Help the church in Kolkata be more open to accept as they are those who suffer with HIV, extending care and support for them, just as Jesus showed us the way to love those who are marginalized and vulnerable.  In your name, amen.


Written by Jenghee You, Calcutta, India