Daily Worship

New possibilities

Robert Allan May 01, 2019 0 0
Image credit: J Cathcart
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John 14: 12

12 I am telling you the truth: those who believe in me will do what I do—yes, they will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father.

It’s hard to begin to imagine doing anything greater than Jesus. He taught with authority, using simple words and brilliant stories, with a passion and charisma that was engaging. He healed the sick, gave hope to the hopeless, and turned lives around for the better. There’s a reason why we so often find ourselves in prayer for forgiveness, because we get it wrong so often as we try to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. How we begin to do greater things is beyond me, for I know my faults and failings. 

And yet…perhaps what we do as individuals does count for something, for when we put the sum of our efforts together it is quite something, for from the small beginnings of that man of Galilee and his merry band of twelve disciples we now have two and half billion Christians in the world, that’s nearly a third of the world’s population! Despite our personal misgivings, we have done even greater things when Jesus lives in our hearts!


Lord Jesus, we despair at the decline of your Church in the Western world, yet we rejoice in the growth of your Church worldwide. Help us to throw off the shackles that hold us back and to believe that a bright new future awaits your Church – your Church that is not a building, not a steeple, but a people, living and moving and loving in the power of your name, sharing the Good News that you are alive, ready to work in the hearts of those who are open to welcome you. Build your Church, Lord, make us strong; live in us as we live in you and help us to go on to do even greater things in our lives and in your world to the glory of your name. Amen.