Daily Worship

Loaves and Fishes

Mrs Karen Brown November 01, 2014 0 0

John 6: 8-9

“Another of his disciples Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, ”Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many.

Lord, my life seems to spent on the edge of the crowd, always the edge.

Still, the edge of the crowd is a good place to be, it means I can do what I want, I don’t have to join groups or conform.

But it’s lonely on the edge.

Then again, if I join the crowd I can look at you from behind everyone else. Anyway I’m too insignificant for your attention.

But it’s friendless.

Maybe that’s what the boy with the loaves and fishes felt like. Part of the big crowd of people but not really belonging. That is until he offered you Lord all he had and you accepted. 

 Then, five thousand people were fed! Fed because a boy offered all that he had. I would like to offer you all that I have, but what a risk!

That boy stepped forward from the crowd into your presence and experienced a miracle. Help me now to step forward into your presence.

What if I don’t really belong?  Lord Jesus you came to bring us God’s message of love and care, so maybe I do belong to you. I’ll take the risk!

Maybe? No! Not maybe! I know that just as you accepted the boy’s offering of all that he had; you, who made all things accept me as I am.

Please bring about the miracle of belonging in my soul.   Amen.