Daily Worship

Learning to Love Yourself

Rachel July 21, 2016 0 0

1 Corinthians 6 : 15

"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?"

A study on body image has shown that very few of us ‘like’ the skin we are in.  If you can, watch this video.

Our bodies are a gift from God that most of us refuse to accept ‘as is’.  We want to change this, or that, or the next thing.  But how can we love others if we can’t love ourselves?  If we are constantly unhappy with our physical appearance, that unhappiness is going to seep into every area of our lives.  Remember what God said in the creation story?  Whenever he made anything, he stepped back and looked at it and said ‘It is good!’. That includes you. And me.

Creator God,
Your wonderfully skilled hands brought humanity into being.
Each lump and bump of every individual,
has had your loving touch upon it.
Help us to love you enough
To care for ourselves
And to look after ourselves

Let our eating
Our sleeping
Our exercise
And leisure – be to your glory.
Don’t let us waste what you have made in us –
Instead may see ourselves through your eyes
and treasure who and what we are

This day 
And every day
We are yours.