Daily Worship

Jesus is offering us breakfast!

Mrs Karen Brown April 23, 2015 0 0

John 21: 10-14

Jesus said to them,"Bring some of the fish you have just caught."

Jesus is offering us breakfast!

As we all join him,
we're overcome by his grace and power.
Yet more importantly,
by his forgiveness
of us all
especially of myself.

Here I am,
sitting with him
he's accepting me
just as I am.

No condemnation,
no judgement,
no comparing us
one with another.
allowing us
to share a meal
with him.

This acceptance

O, Lord,
You're showing us
how to love
and accept others.

When we judge
and find fault,
show us the cross.
When we justify
our own faults,
show us your Son.
When we forget
who we are
In you,
fill us
with your Holy Spirit.