Daily Worship


November 16, 2012 0 0

Hebrews 11:12-13

​This man was so old he was almost dead, but from him came as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. Like the sand on the seashore, they could not be counted.

All these great people died in faith. They did not get the things that God promised his people, but they saw them coming far in the future and were glad. They said they were like visitors and strangers on earth.

​All of us, as followers of Jesus, are here because of the legacy of those who’ve gone before us.  Abraham is one of those.  And this week’s prayers are inspired by his journey as we in turn think about the legacy we’re passing on to the next generation of Jesus followers.  This means we’re compelled to ask the question- what are we passing on?   Are we stewarding the way of Christ well?  Is the way of life we’re handing on defined by the values we see hinted at in Abraham’s story?  

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Lord, what rubbish messages our culture tells us.  It’s all about today.  It’s all about shortcuts and built-in redundancy.  And it affects our faith.  We want the promise of a better world now, we want healing now, we want change now.    


Not for Abraham though.  He didn’t see your promises fulfilled, but it didn’t deter him.  He was focused on your way, your future, far off as it was.  


May we also be known for this.  For being counter-cultural.  For being a people who smile lots as we anticipate your future promises.  May we be your people who persevere to the very, very end.



Written by Alex Smeed