Daily Worship

A warning

James Cathcart November 12, 2024 3 1
Image credit: Unsplash
Listen to this daily worship

Philippians 2: 21 (NRSVA)

21 All of them are seeking their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

When and how do we need to refocus on Jesus so we don't end up like those Paul is referring to here? For Timothy and Paul Jesus was always central, their connection to Christ inspired and sustained them.

Our Management and Efficacious Solutions Consultant from yesterday, Mr E.E. Blodgins, is back with some of what he calls ‘top tier advice’. He once again stresses, that while he is entirely fictitious, he has an extensive CV comprising of experience that maps exactly on to the core and desired competencies of the task at hand.

Mr Blodgin’s 3 Stage Plan:

1: You can’t go wrong with my tried and tested GYAHT system — Pronounced Gee-Yacht. Simply put, this system is Give Yourself A Hard Time. Worried you’re not focusing on the right thing? Simply Give Yourself A Hard Time and watch your productivity soar.

Timothy: Hi Timothy here, off of the Bible, just going to chip in that you absolutely can and will go wrong with GYAHT. Don’t give yourself a hard time, do be responsible but also be kind to yourself. Get some headspace, get up and get outside perhaps, look at a lovely tree, imagine a conversation the squirrels are having, pray to God.

Mr Blodgins: Enough about squirrels you, squirrels have nothing to do with top focal analysis. Anywhere, where was I…

2: GYAHT always works, 100.5 percent of the time, but when it doesn’t you could try my cutting edge Why Bother 2.0 system. (I couldn’t see the point in the 1.0 version so I went back and dialled it up) and here it is. Simply follow the 18 step Why Bother Plan (available soon in paperback) and you’ll be back on track.

Timothy: Hi Timothy interrupting again, I would safely say you can ignore all that. Breathe, get out of your head a bit, get out into the world, make it less about you and more about Jesus and those who need you. Remember you’re loved and cherished, let that comfort and inspire you.

Mr Blodgins: Get Out Of Your Head eh? I like that. 

Timothy: We could call it GOOYH if you like? 

Mr Blodgins: Pronounced Gi-oooh-huh? 

Timothy: If you like.

Mr Blodgins: Brilliant.

Timothy: On you go then. What’s step 3?

Mr Blodgins: You know what Timothy? I don’t think I’ve got anything to add. GOOYH it is.

Timothy: Nice one Mr Blodgins.




Dear God,


Help us to get out of our heads,

and to make it more about you

and more about those who need us.
