Thank you for enthusiastic love

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Luke 5: 11 (NRSVA)
11 When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.
Simon Peter just had the greatest fishing day that even in his wildest dreams he couldn’t have imagined. Enough to fill two boats. They could sell the fish, and have a few weeks off. A holiday! Fantastic!
But immediately Jesus called them to something bigger, something more worthwhile, more precious than anything money could buy. He called them to go and fish for people.
This was so big, so important, so challenging, so inviting, that they tied up the boats, jumped to land, and left it all behind. Following Jesus was much more valuable than two boatloads of fish. And if Jesus could give them such a large catch of fish, he would certainly provide for their needs later as they arose. What they were leaving didn’t matter compared to the value of following Jesus.
Simon Peter became one of the greatest fishers of people that the world has ever seen. When the Church was in its infancy and Peter preached, thousands heard the good news of Jesus and joined that enthusiastic and energetic band of disciples. And it’s all because of this day, by the shores of Lake Galilee, when Jesus said, “Come follow me”, and Peter replied, “Yes, I will.”
And so today we give thanks for enthusiastic love. Are you willing, like Simon Peter, to give whatever it takes to follow the Lord wherever he leads, and by encouragement and example to bring others to Jesus? Simon Peter did, and it not only changed his life, it changed the lives of many.
Dear Lord, I pray that you would give me a heart full of enthusiasm to follow you. Help me to be a fisher of people, sharing your love and truth with those around me. May my words and actions be pure, sincere, and brimming with excitement, that others may come to experience your abundant grace and love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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