Daily Worship

How long?

Liz Crumlish January 10, 2013 0 0

Proverbs 22:16

Oppressing the poor in order to enrich oneself,

and giving to the rich, will lead only to loss.

​Just God, you must have seen it all - 

The many ways that creation finds

to exploit those at the bottom of the pile.

The ways that we use another’s misfortune to promote ourselves.

You decree that this way of life will not last.

But we ask, O Lord, How long?

Your justice seems to be a long time in coming.

Your wisdom appears to be scorned.

How can we believe in a different order

when there seems to be so much

to maintain the present corruption.

God give us the faith to know that your kingdom will come

And the wisdom to know how and where to begin to effect change.

And, even as we cry, How long, O Lord, may we do what we can

to usher in your kingdom.


written by Liz Crumlish