Daily Worship


Norah Summers March 02, 2015 0 0

1Thessalonians 5:14-15

We urge you, our brothers, 
to warn the idle,
encourage the timid,
help the weak,
be patient with everyone.
See that no one pays back wrong for wrong,
but at all times make it your aim
to do good to one another and to all people.

I am thinking of M.
framed by a “friend”,
imprisoned for a crime he did not commit,
bearing patiently the two long years,
and the many more 
before, finally,
his name was completely cleared.

I am thinking of M.
using the time in prison to help others,
teaching lads to read,
earning himself the nickname “Prof” –
quietly showing an example
of patience and wisdom.

I am thinking of M.
relishing his freedom
and the restoration of his good name,
enjoying all he had missed.

I am thinking of M.
brave and resilient
even while his health was failing.

I am thinking of M,
courageous and generous to the last,
donating his organs to save the lives of others.

I am thinking of M.
who died a year ago,
freed from the prison of pain,
leaving a legacy of life and hope.

Thanks be to God.