Daily Worship

Challenging: speaking truth to power

October 20, 2012 0 0

Matthew 21: 12 - 14

​Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants. He quoted this text: My house was designated a house of prayer; You have made it a hangout for thieves. Now there was room for the blind and crippled to get in. They came to Jesus and he healed them.

​Are there some foundational values which we share with all our brothers and sisters worldwide, regardless of creed, colour or culture? This week we will explore through scripture and prayer some of the foundational values true to the Christian life and community: belonging, encircling, trusting, celebrating, accepting, challenging, letting go….

Challenging God: where we need to speak truth to power, even amongst those closest to us, give us courage. Where we are called to act with strength, give us the gentleness of a dove. Where we are overtaken by emotions with the power to hurt, give us the wisdom to enfold our words and actions with love. In Jesus’ name, Amen