Daily Worship

Your Body Is A Temple

Amanda MacQuarrie February 02, 2019 0 0
Image credit: J Cathcart
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1 Corinthians 3: 16

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives among you?

Your body is a temple.

Go look in the mirror,

Yes, even yours!


With that nose and the bum that seems to stretch clothes to bursting point;

With those legs that don’t work as well as other folk’s seem to;

With that mind that you wish was sharper,

With that pummelled and battered immune system.


Your body,

Your body, with its greatness,

And its frailties;

Your body, with its life,

And its limitations;

Your body,

And the body next to you on the bus, in the classroom, in the office, on the other side of the fence,


Is a temple

And God’s Spirit dwells within.


Living God,

Let that sense of you dwelling in me encourage me.

Let it strengthen me, and change the way I see myself.

But let it also change how I see others.

Let my eyes and my heart recognise you within them,

Fill me with compassion and love for all that I come into contact with,

And let me treat them as I would treat you.

In Jesus name,
