Daily Worship

Asking why

Linda Pollock August 26, 2023 2 2
Image credit: Unsplash
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1 Timothy 4: 10 (NRSVA)

10 For to this end we toil and struggle, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Saviour of all people, especially of those who believe.


Why do we offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God?
Why do we follow Jesus on the road of suffering before resurrection?
Why do we serve people who may not care about us?
Why do we deny ourselves the easy paths of pleasure?
Why do we give of our time, talents and wealth?
Why do we continue to care for others who don’t care about us?
Why do we pray, and count the cost of following a man Who appeared to be a failure?
Why do we surrender ourselves to Jesus afresh each day?

Because we, “have our hope set on the living God…”   

As beloved children of Father, Son and Holy spirit, this place of hope is our dwelling place, our wonderful, life-giving home, our natural habitat.



Eternal God, the One Who names us as Your beloved children. Thank You for dwelling with and within us, inviting us to be co-creators of hope, and trusting us with Your identity as the habitat of hope – even though we make mistake after mistake time and time again. Grant that we might reflect You, and reflect the hope we are called to dwell in this new day. We offer our prayer in the Name of Jesus, our only true habitat of hope. Amen.