Daily Worship

Amazing Grace

April 05, 2013 0 0

John 21: 1- 7, 10-14

​ 1-3 After this, Jesus appeared again to the disciples, this time at the Tiberias Sea (the Sea of Galilee). This is how he did it: Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed “Twin”), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the brothers Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. Simon Peter announced, “I’m going fishing.”

3-4 The rest of them replied, “We’re going with you.” They went out and got in the boat. They caught nothing that night. When the sun came up, Jesus was standing on the beach, but they didn’t recognize him.

Jesus spoke to them: “Good morning! Did you catch anything for breakfast?”

They answered, “No.”

He said, “Throw the net off the right side of the boat and see what happens.”

They did what he said. All of a sudden there were so many fish in it, they weren’t strong enough to pull it in.

7-9 Then the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, “It’s the Master”

10-11 Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught.” Simon Peter joined them and pulled the net to shore—153 big fish! And even with all those fish, the net didn’t rip.

12 Jesus said, “Breakfast is ready.” Not one of the disciples dared ask, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Master.

13-14 Jesus then took the bread and gave it to them. He did the same with the fish. This was now the third time Jesus had shown himself alive to the disciples since being raised from the dead.

​It’s just another day for Peter and the others; it feels like the party is over.  What else could they do but go back to the old familiar work.

How often have we felt that sense of weariness, ’just another day’

with the feeling that we have little left to give.

But just at that point you came, you were waiting, ready to help 

just as today you come and are waiting, ready to help, 

to lend a hand, ready to feed us.

Sometimes when we least expect it, when we‘re at our work,

or feeling a failure, or grieving, 

a voice tells us to do something different,

to try another way, to make a decision.

And as the disciples did, we will try to do

and we will discover again just how amazing your grace is


written by Maggie Lunan