Daily Worship

A gate held open.

Elspeth December 23, 2012 0 0

Revelation 11:15b

Hallelujah. The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.  Hallelujah.

​So near now, we can almost touch it. 

The waiting is almost over. 

The sense of anticipation is high. 

The darkest day is behind us: we can sense the coming of the light and the coming again of the Light of the World.  Father, give us just a bit more patience.  Help us to go on waiting just a little bit longer.  Renew in us the childhood sense of wonder.  Revitalise our tired minds and bodies with the joy of this wonderful season.  Open our eyes to the glorious possibility of the coming of your Kingdom and awaken in us the hope for a brighter future when all the world will know that Christ has come, King of Kings, for even and ever.  Amen


written by Elspeth Smith