Daily Worship

A blessing

Fyfe March 18, 2013 0 0

John 10.11

​“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

​What does leadership look like? What does loyalty look like? Jesus gives an image today that is a full expression of these two elements. Christ laid down his life - Love expressed through the Cross. We are called to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and by sharing in his sufferings to become like him in his death. That is, to daily lay down our lives in a cross-shaped way, a self-giving.


Lord Jesus, I come to you


as I consider the extent of your loyalty,

your steadfast love.


As my shepherd,

I thank you for every good thing in my life.

True to your word,

you give me room to breathe 

and then send me in the right direction.

Even when I find myself in dark, hard places,

remind me that I am safe with you.

Help me to see how my cup brims over 

and in the face of those things and people that stand against me,

be my provider.


Daily you chase me with your love

and bring me home to you.

So continue with me this week, be my shepherd,

and teach me what it means to live by faithfulness in you, and take up my cross daily to follow you.



A blessing:

The guarding of the God of life be on you,

The guarding of loving Christ be on you,

The guarding of Holy Spirit be on you

Every night of your lives,

To aid you and enfold you

Each day and night of your lives.

[from Carmina Gadelica]


written by Fyfe Blair