The Gideon Appeal

Dear Friends
The Board of Sanctuary First has asked me, as founder and chairperson of the charity, to write to all who associate with Sanctuary First to make our community aware of our present financial situation. The truth is we have run out of money. We are grateful for the continued support of the Church of Scotland, however if this support is to continue, we require to show that we have additional income streams from alternative sources. To date we have been unsuccessful in attracting more members of the community to contribute to the monthly cost of Sanctuary First.
Our monthly core costs amount to around £11,000 and we are very encouraged by those who give regularly to Sanctuary First. Our present support of approximately £1,200 per month comes from 25 generous community members who give monthly, plus others who give one-off donations.
As a Board we are now actively seeking to explore alternative ways to fund the work of Sanctuary First. One very obvious route is to seek to increase our financial base from among the thousands of people who love and benefit from, the unique online ministry of Sanctuary First.
Today we are launching The Gideon Appeal. Do you remember how Gideon won a famous battle over the Midianites with just 300 dedicated souls, who saw the vision and were proactive and prepared to win against the odds? We’re looking for 300 people who will stand with us and help us fill the financial gap we are facing in this year’s accounts and also help us to move into a more sustainable financial model for the future.
100 people giving £10 per month would give us £1,200 per month.
Another 100 people giving £20 per month would give us a further £2,400 per month and another 100 people giving £50 per month would provide a further £6,000 per month
While this is only an example, if this could be realised, we would be close to covering our core costs.
In doing so we are hopeful that our discussions with the Church of Scotland as our largest grant funder and supporter, will be successful in providing this vital grant, which allows us to grow and develop the mission and outreach of Sanctuary First, as an online worshipping community.
If you are able to be one of the 300 who stand with us, would you email Jane on, and she will send you the necessary banking details. We are hoping to have our 300 supporters before we meet up with the Church of Scotland on the 11th September to discuss this critical situation. If you are unable to make a regular commitment, but could make a one-off gift, then please also contact Jane with the amount you'd like to give and she will advise how best to send your remittance.
If we are unable to secure more income through donations or external grants, then very sadly, we may have to consider placing Sanctuary First into a period of dormancy from 1st January 2025 onward, until we can establish a suitable financial model of operating.
Above all, will you please take these next few weeks to hold Sanctuary First and our team in your prayers.
Yours, as ever,
The Very Rev Albert Bogle
Chairman to the Board of Sanctuary First - SC051969
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