Daily Worship

Think of something beautiful

James Cathcart August 12, 2022 0 4
Image credit: Unsplash
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Philippians 4: 8 (NRSVA)

8 Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 


I have a friend who says he hates small talk. He’s a fascinating and fascinated person, full of curiosity. He strikes up conversation easily, asks questions often and really listens to the answers. Still, he claims to not be able to stand small talk. But despite his stance I’ve seen him panning for conversational gold in unlikely places, making an effort to creatively draw out quieter souls.

Even if this friend of mine isn’t interested in a given topic, he is interested in why you are and will seek to broaden his horizons by asking questions. I’ve known this friend a long time and I’ve seen countless people initially thrown off guard, startled by his energy, but then blossom with his infectious enthusiasm.

This friend doesn’t like to just talk about the weather. Instead he’ll throw out something he’s passionate about or try to key in to something that you are passionate about. He had this habit a while back of asking anyone and everyone the following question:

“What’s something beautiful you’ve seen recently?”

I’ll be honest, I found it pretty annoying. The pressure to suddenly come up with something ‘beautiful’ was hard. What criteria? What context? Why? How do I even get my head round it? This friend was asking in an open ended way — up for talking about mosaics or mountains or music or a myriad other things. But I always responded in a closed way, thinking: How do I answer right? How do I answer meaningfully? What was the most beautiful thing? What does beautiful even mean anyway? How can I come up with an answer that lives up to this question?

To others who didn’t know my friend so well this often started them heading off into rich conversational topics. But for me, familiar with his shtick, my gut response was “Do we have to talk about beauty on a driech Wednesday morning? Can’t we just talk about the chance of rain? Or what we’re having for dinner later?”

Reading Paul’s letters I sometimes get the feeling he maybe wasn’t much of a ‘small talk guy' either. He was likely a strong personality that probably irritated many while also bringing out the best in countless more. I can hear the phrases in this verse animated by my friend asking me, What’s something true you’ve seen recently? When did you last see something pleasing? Tell me something commendable!

My friend and I are older now and it’s probably fair to say he’s learnt to, if not do small talk, at least create more space for medium talk. And I’ve matured too. I’ve realised I don’t have to respond to an open question like “What’s something beautiful you’ve seen recently?” with a pile of caveats and self-imposed pressures. I can simple breathe in and out and look around me. For I am surrounded by beauty.

I just need to open my eyes.

Or have a friend nudge me when they’re closed.


Dear God,

Open my eyes.
