Daily Worship


Albert Bogle August 11, 2016 0 0

Matthew 4:18

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.  “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

Today as you read the scripture and reflect upon the prayer in front of you. Give thanks to God for the generous  support we receive from funders and writers musicians and actors. It is this support that has allowed us to connect with thousands of people and bring blessing and comfort into so many lives free of charge. It is truly humbling to hear stories  of how the prayer and Bible reading on a particular day, has spoken into lives in the most unexpected ways. Why not take this opportunity to introduce a friend to Sanctuary First. Perhaps someone who rarely attends church but who would appreciate the fellowship we are trying to create here.



Thank you 

For the people 

You bring into our lives

The friends who make us laugh

The neighbours who offer help without being asked

The generous givers who make a vision happen

Thank you for all the possibilities of Sanctuary First

For the Internet and the cloud of witnesses 

Looking on, watching learning, sharing our  lives

For writers and poets who have inspired us to dream

Reveal to us the new possibilities of technology

Show us how to maximise 

The mouse

The tablet

The phone

Direct each swipe and click

In order to reconnect with those who have 

Become disaffected and disconnected with church

Thank you for Sanctuary First

A place to fish

On the net with the click of a mouse

Or the swipe of a hand

Lord teach me how to be one of your



Comments on prayers can be made on Facebook or directly after the prayer on the website. This facility is not yet available on the App.