Daily Worship

Springs of thankfulness

Peter Neilson April 07, 2015 0 0

Phil 4:10-16

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me.....It was good of you to share in my troubles....You sent me aid again and again when I was in need. 

Father, looking back on life,
I owe so much 
to so many 
who have shared the journey.

Parents who sacrificed much
to give me stability and opportunity.
My spouse and children
who have loved me no matter what.
The people of faith
who have left traces of grace on my life.
The friends who have laughed and cried
and prayed and celebrated,
who were always there when needed.
The honest critics who chiselled
away the rough edges.

Father, in a society where loneliness
destroys the life of many,
may I give as freely as I have received:
a smile to cheer
a hand to touch
and a word to encourage,
and to open up new springs of thankfulness. AMEN