Daily Worship

Seek First

ian gilmour November 03, 2012 0 0

Ruth 1:20 & 21

​“Don’t call me Naomi,” she answered; “call me Marah, because Almighty God has made my life bitter.  When I left here, I had plenty, but the Lord has brought me back without a thing. Why call me Naomi when the Lord Almighty has condemned me and sent me trouble?”


D. Bonhoeffer from ‘Life Together’

‘The kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies.’ 


​Lord Jesus invite us this day in every situation 

To seek first of all the kingdom of God.

To see you Lord Jesus, in the face of friend and stranger 

and to work to build healthy, 





in Christ’s name

wherever we are

and with whoever we work

to the delight of the living One. 


written by Ian Gilmour