Daily Worship

Raise me up

Jock Stein May 10, 2015 0 0

Acts 1:5

John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.


Baptism becomes a poor doctrine when it divides us, and something rich when it fulfils its purpose to point to Jesus and fill believers with the Holy Spirit.


God, raise my game, raise my heart, raise my expectations. I was buried with Jesus in baptism, and I was raised with him when he left the tomb. Help me to become what I am, and more, because I am becoming the sort of person you always intended. Raise my faith, not in what I have already achieved, but in what you will achieve in me. Take me beyond all personal goals to the target who is Jesus Christ himself, the beginning and the end of all our believing and all our living.

For this I need the drenching of your Spirit, the more of your promise, the richness of your present. I need this along with your people in every land and language. I want this personal gift, because I want you.  I want this power, because I want to love more deeply.  I want this presence, because nothing and no one in all the universe compares with you, the one who fills all things, and the one who wonderfully promises to fill even such a poor friend as I am.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.