Daily Worship

Meddling with creation

Gillian Paterson July 24, 2015 0 0

James 3:17

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity.

Take one perfect world,
Add some pollution, chemicals, and carelessness, then stir.
Beat together some angry human beings and add to the original mixture.
In a separate container divide the rich and the poor, the sick and the healthy, before slowly adding to the main mixture.
Finally, melt the ozone layer and ensure seasons react badly.
This recipe fills one world, created thousands of years ago, but is reality for 2015.
Creator God, our guide, protector and helper,
How did we get this all so wrong?
Your plan was perfect, all we had to do was listen and take care.
You gave us beauty and peace, generosity and resources for all.
Then we added our human faults and failings, our greed and selfishness,
And now the world is broken.  Broken by the decisions of the past.
We pray today that you can restore the beauty, the wisdom and the peace to this precious gift we were given, so that the future will be bright. Amen.