Daily Worship

Make our darkness bright

Jock Stein December 22, 2014 0 0

Romans 8: 18

I believe that the present suffering is nothing compared to the coming glory that is going to be revealed to us. 

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God of day and God of darkness,
now we stand before the night;
as the shadows stretch and deepen,
come and make our darkness bright.
All creation still is groaning
for the dawning of your might,
when the sun of peace and justice
fills the earth with radiant light.

Marty Haugen

God, increase our faith, faith in a Saviour who stretched his body and soul from light to darkness and back again. May we see beyond terror to peace, beyond hatred to love, beyond what is confused to what is wonderfully certain, your commitment to us in Jesus Christ.

We pray for all who suffer at this time. Where there is healing to be found, may it come soon. Where there is meaning to be grasped, may that be revealed. Where hurt and pain and misery remain part of the devilish nonsense that afflicts our world, may the light be seen shining on, in your mercy and saving purpose.

Thanks be to God for what he has done, for what he is doing, for what he will yet do. Amen.