Daily Worship

A Little White Stone

Albert Bogle October 04, 2022 0 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Lamentations 3: 19-28 (NRSVA)

19 The thought of my affliction and my homelessness
    is wormwood and gall!
20 My soul continually thinks of it
    and is bowed down within me.
21 But this I call to mind,
    and therefore I have hope:

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,
    ‘therefore I will hope in him.’

25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
    to the soul that seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.
27 It is good for one to bear
    the yoke in youth,
28 to sit alone in silence
    when the Lord has imposed it,

READER NOTE: This post talks about sensitive topics like despair. If you have recently been affected by loss you may not wish to read it this morning although it has a positive ending.

When all seems lost and the darkest moment has arrived the dawn begins to break. She had seen enough of life. She had faced the death of her son and lived too long without the companionship of her husband. The night had been long and dreadful. She ventured down the stair for the last time in her dressing gown. She opened the front door for one more time. She was ready to say goodbye to the world. It took her by surprise the little white stone on her doorstep, it simply read ‘God loves you.” The sun streamed in through her door and into her life once more. And the tears streamed from her eyes. The faithfulness of God had once more caught her off guard. When all seems lost and the darkest moment has arrived the dawn begins to break.





How often have I prayed

“If only you’d answer me now.”

But I’ve come to see that

the waiting is part of your now.

Your compassion

So I will wait for the morning

The new morning

With new blessings

And open my door

To your faithfulness