Daily Worship

It’s not fair

Andy Campbell June 24, 2016 0 0

Luke 15

Luke’s Gospel Ch 15 vs 11& 12 and 29

“ There was a man who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father ‘ Father! Give me my share of the property now.”   …

…The elder son said “ Father – I have served you many years, never disobeyed you, yet you’ve never given me as much as a goat kid that I might enjoy myself.”

Whatever else happens at the Royal Highland Show today, the one topic of conversation will be the result of the E.U. referendum and what happens next.   Some folk will be relieved, others delighted and some livid at the result – whatever it is.   Our people are divided and in the midst of this God will still be at work.

It’s not easy being a parent, as you know, Father God.
Offspring often quarrelling, fighting and trying to get the better of one another,
or feeling desperately hurt, overlooked or unloved
“It’s not fair!” is the cry of the child who is sent to bed earlier than their sibling.
It’s the cry of the supporters whose team has just lost;
The mourning partner
And many people today who feel they’ve been ignored.

Lord, You know that life is not fair:
Your children often ignore You, though You are always loving and faithful to us
You know that life is not fair:
Your Son, was nailed to a cross, though there was no cause for Him to be punished
You know that life is not fair:
For You always give us better than we deserve, holding out mercy to us, loving us regardless.
Lord, You know……

So gracious God, who mothers and fathers us through the dark, the depths and disappointments
Enable us this day, to recognise You, trust You and to seek Your  guarding and guiding,
Through our anger, our resentment, our loss and our confusion.
Do not hold our rantings against us.
May we now build bridges with those who we thought were our rivals and foes.
May we stretch out our arms, as Jesus stretched out His, to embrace our opponents.
And may reconciliation begin with us.