Daily Worship

Hunger is not inevitable

December 09, 2017 0 0
Image credit: Christian Aid/M Goldwater

Matthew 25: 40

40 And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

We take a moment with Christian Aid Scotland in the first of a weekly series through December. Photo credit: Christian Aid/M Goldwater.

Hunger is not inevitable. There is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone. Yet every day, thousands of the world's most vulnerable children die in countries devastated by famine and hunger. We need to start following a new recipe for a hunger-free world.

A recipe for a hunger-free world

If we didn’t stockpile the staples of life
at the back of our larders and fridges
or throw out the misshapen or blemished
before they reach supermarket shelves...

If we didn’t transport our food
halfway around the world
or refine and bleach our flour
'till most of the goodness is leached out...

If we didn’t demand strawberries in December
or apples in March
If we didn’t want everything ready prepared
for consuming in a hurry...

If we didn’t expect the lowest prices
or the biggest variety
under one brand
and one industrial-scale roof...

Take a bowlful of flour
whatever is most locally grown
and milled so the textured goodness
feels grainy beneath your fingers
let it fall from your hands,
full of light and air.

Mix in a teaspoon of salt
the flavour of life and personality
taste of tears and heartache
preserving good memories
drawing out and letting go of any bitterness
that erodes potential and possibility.

Measure out a cup of water
essence of life itself
watch the light bounce from it
making rainbows dance
taken so much for granted
yet essential for the flourishing of life.

Prepare a lump of unpromising-looking yeast
by letting it crumble and froth in the water
let it be
and watch as it multiplies and grows
smelly and earthy
brimming over with potential.

Combine all ingredients together
turn onto a floured board and knead well
keep at it and work hard
tell your story and listen to the stories of others
as we ourselves are worked together
into a vibrant and diverse community.

Shape the dough
be creative
express your hopes and your dreams
Put into a hot oven
and wait
and hope.

Take out of the oven
and serve warm and crusty
break and let the steam rise heavenward
and share
and celebrate life in all its fullness.

Clare McBeath (a member of Christian Aid’s worship and theology collective)

God bless to us our bread.
And give bread to all those who are hungry
And hunger for justice to those who are fed.
God bless to us our bread.

Listen to “God bless to our bread” on Spotify.

Bendice, Señor, nuestro pan. Arr. John L. Bell, Traditional melody, Argentina.
©2002 World Council of Churhes; Arrangement ©1997, 2007 WGRG, Iona Community, Scotland.