Friendships with Politicians

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Romans 13:1
1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God.
The Bible balances political life between the good authority of God and Roman rule in Romans 13, and the persecution of the beast and its Roman master in Revelation 13. In our congregation, at our last communion we happened to be served bread by our local MSP, and wine by our local Provost: we do well to pray for Christians who receive hostility, not friendship from their political leaders.
Praying for leaders is an act of friendship, whatever their mould. If politicians estimate that one letter represents the views of 300 constituents, one act of friendship is likely to count very high – and politicians need real friends.
Guide those who have authority over others, O God. Remove the wicked from office, and open the way for righteous men and women to rule, in this and every land, we pray. Amen.
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