Daily Worship


Peter Neilson April 12, 2015 0 0

Phil 4:2

I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord.

Lord, I wonder what they argued about.
Who said the first word?
Who made that cutting remark?
Did one of them let the other down?
Who felt betrayed?
Who needed to forgive?

Lord, as I prepare for worship
I remember Jesus' words
about being reconciled to my brother
before I bring my gift to the altar.

Is there anyone I need to forgive?
Is there anyone who needs an apology from me?
Is there anyone I need to plead with to put things right?

If only we did not carry our angers forward
from one day to the next.
If only we could forgive as You forgive.
If only... 
in Iraq, in the Israel-Palestine
in broken homes, in divided churches,

If only, Lord, if only......I plead..... AMEN