Daily Worship

A truthful word

Ruth Kennedy February 18, 2024 4 1
Image credit: Unsplash
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Psalm 19: 7-9 (NIVUK)

The law of the Lord is perfect,
    refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
    making wise the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right,
    giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant,
    giving light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is pure,
    enduring for ever.
The decrees of the Lord are firm,
    and all of them are righteous.

Balance, poise. I did attempt ballet when I was young but I found it a bit boring, we never moved fast enough for me. And it felt like everything was taken so seriously. When it came to my first grading my teacher was enormously kind and suggested I drop my plan of the dance which most other ballerinas were performing and have fun with it in whichever way I would like. So I did. Pirouetting as a monkey, leaping across the room from tree to tree, some imaginary, graceful ape. I loved it! I declared the glory of God with every sweep of my foot and bend of my arm in a way which was authentic to myself. All thanks to my ballet teacher who just spoke truth to me, she saw who I was and encouraged me to recalibrate on that rather than trying to express myself in a way which was off-centre. Speaking a simple word of truth brought me back into balance, like a spirit level realigns that which it is measuring.

I didn’t carry on with ballet, but I do have very fond memories of it and encouraged our sons into classes too. And I do remember the wise instruction from my teacher.

Why is it when we read about the ‘law of the Lord’ of ‘rules of the Lord’ we can recoil from these words? Are the precepts in the Bible not just instructing and truthful insight, and wisdom in the same way as the ballet teacher gave? Bringing recalibration and balance, poise and grace to our lives? The rewards or blessings when we gather God’s teachings into our hearts are so much more than a Grade 1 ballet certificate! Our very souls are revived, we gain wisdom, our hearts rejoice, eyes are enlightened (meaning we can see when it all looks obscured).

When we love God’s word as our truthful teacher and guide we are led in the path of everlasting life in Jesus. The Bible isn’t just a book of books. It is Life. The Truth. The Way.

Delve deeply in God’s word today and bring poise, balance and graceful truth to your heart.




Holy Spirit, you are our teacher and guide, come and teach me the truth in the Scriptures,

bring poise to my thinking and rebalance my life to your Word.

Reveal and show to me your true, lifegiving word so I pirouette the grace of Jesus to all I meet today.
