A Nutrition Plan

Listen to this daily worship
Psalm 34: 8-10 (MSG)
8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—
how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.9 Worship God if you want the best;
worship opens doors to all his goodness.10 Young lions on the prowl get hungry,
but God-seekers are full of God.
The Badger Divide is a long-distance off-road cycling route from Inverness Castle to Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow. Some 210 miles of trails and tracks and bogs and hill-passes to self-navigate through some of gorgeous rural Scotland. Stuart and I had it on our ‘would love to’ list for some years and a couple of months ago, we made it happen. Bikes were packed, hostels booked (couldn’t face camping ‘stuff’ on the bike too, I know my limits!), and food prepared. One mid-afternoon, we set off from Inverness!
20 miles later I was quite hungry and ready for a sandwich in Drumnadrochit. Only we didn’t have time to stop if we were to get to Fort Augustus before the food places closed for the day – we had set off much later than planned. Oat bars and jelly babies can sustain you for only so long. They didn’t sustain me much further along the high hills at Loch Ness, the empty legs came, then the despondency. Day one and we had made a rookie mistake in not getting our nutrition right. It wasn’t so much a lesson on hunger, it was more about fuelling well to keep going that day and for the gazillion of pedal strokes that were ahead of us over the next few days. Suffice to say the next day was different; so much so that the Corrieyarrick pass was a joy and the torrential rain from Corrour to Rannoch didn’t even dampen the mood. Day 4 we arrived in Glasgow, happy and exhausted, and with an experience we will always remember!
We corrected our nutrition plan and the legs were full of energy (mostly!). It strikes me that God knows we need the correct nutrition plan for long-distance adventures and for life itself. He feeds us with His goodness, internally and we perceive His goodness, externally. God wants to sustain us with His best and we open that ‘best’, not by unwrapping a sandwich pack, but unwrapping our heart in worship and adoration to Jesus. This is the way we are full of God as we run after God for all the world to see.
Father, we adore you. Jesus, we worship you. Spirit, we love you.
Yahweh, you are our destination, who we seek.
Fill us with your best, fill us so we are full. We can’t nor do we want to contain you in our lives, burst out so others are going to catch sight of what You are doing in our lives. Your love is limitless, help us to adventure in it. Amen.
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