You searched for “christmas”

Videos matching your search…

  1. “Peace on Earth”

    …between Christmas and New Year. This is part of a series of seven, you can find all of this videos…

  2. “You’ve Nailed It”

    This video is part of the Journeys theme.
    This video is part of the Advent theme.
    A modern day story of the wise men in the syle of The Apprentice. Lord Starbust sends out his three…

  3. “Joseph and Fatherhood”

    Joseph gets us to think about fatherhood and the role fathers play in all of our lives. Barak Obama talks…

  4. “Journeys during advent”

    Most of the stories at advent are centred around people travelling. These people journeyed in faith believing that God was…

  5. “Journeys”

    This video is part of the Journeys theme.
    …my Christmas sermons and thoughts. I’ve been particularly captivated by the idea that “ The Gift is the Journey” I…