
The Unexpected Gift by Christine Colliar

Christine Colliar December 25, 2021 0 0
The Unexpected Gift by Christine Colliar

Read this story as a Blog: The Unexpected Gift

Find out more about this series: Stories of the Unexpected

The Unexpected Gift

by Christine Colliar

The Last of our ‘Stories of the Unexpected’ is written by Christine Colliar. In this short story we hear from a young girl who has an unexpected visitor in there garden shed on the run up to Christmas. A strange mystery man appears in there garden and is invited into there home out of the cold, the young girl slowly begins to warm to the strange visitor and gradually she begins to welcome the spirit of Christmas and Christ into her heart…

This Month on Sanctuary First we will be releasing a series of short stories ‘Stories of the Unexpected’ which will revolve around our December theme ‘The Unexpected Visitor’. Three writers and members of the Sanctuary First community have each contributed a short story that they have written around the months theme.

Listen to the podcast above, or listen on Spotify & Apple podcasts OR Read the story as a blog: The Unexpected Gift

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