
Faith at the Fringe - Episode One

Albert Bogle August 08, 2023 3 2

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Welcome to Faith at the Fringe a Sanctuary First podcast series.

For our First Episode of the second season for 2023 we will be Speaking to Faith Sutherland from Green Shoots Youth Theatre.

Find the show via the Sacred Arts Festival at St Vincent’s Chapel in Stockbridge.

Five Medieval Mystery plays brought to life by Peter Holloway. The newly formed Green Shoots Youth Theatre, under the direction of Faith Sutherland, transform
the atmospheric Undercroft of the Chapel into a compelling urban location for drama. Noah, a tale of climate change, the refugees Flight into Egypt, The Whistle-blower’s Jesus’ last days and the Resurrection, with warmth, humour and humanity.

Real people in real situations, the reality of life in our world in 2023. The Medieval Mystery Plays were the soaps of their day; they were warm, funny, but with a serious
mission – to bring to life Biblical stories. We have reimagined them for our time, making our point about the topics that concern us: climate change, refugees, war, and the joy of New Life.