
Sunday Live - First Sparks - Who is the Holy Spirit?

May 05, 2024 / 3:00pm 3 2

Sunday at 3.00pm

Each Sunday join us for a LIVE Worship Service.

Join us for Sunday Live at 3pm where James and Neil will be chatting about The Holy Spirit, heat transfer and TEA! And coffee, and hot chocolate, and hot squash... So why not fire up the kettle and join us live at 3pm or later on catch up!

We are Sparks of the Spirit! The Holy Spirit lit us, and tends to us, stokes us and builds us, rakes us and, with the softly glowing embers, kindles us again! So who is the Holy Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit work in us? And how do we maintain and sustain the fire given to us, passing on the torch from person to person, ministry to ministry?

Watch live on Sanctuary First, on Facebook and via our App.

Join us after the service for a time of fellowship in The Virtual Coffee Shop:

Join the Virtual Coffee Shop