Game On (July)

James Cathcart July 01, 2019 0

July 2019 (30 June - 03 August) see the Resouce Pack PDF for full details and the Discussion Question PDF to see the material adapted for small groups.

It’s July, summer is in full swing (hopefully…) and many of us enjoy taking advantage of the longer days and better weather to fit in more fun, games and sports. Maybe we are dusting off the running shoes, joining pals for kick about in the park, or picking up a new hobby in the evening after work.

Summer can be a great time for games - running about while the sun blazes or enjoying a board game as the rain trickles down the windows. The restless days are a little longer and the possibilities are endless. Our loving God loves and blesses our sense of fun and adventure. God is at the games table, hiding with us in our newly built den in the middle of a game of tig, cheering us on at the stadium and keeping pace alongside as we jog round the park.

This month, as we continue to read the Bible together, we are going to think about the skills we develop from the games we play with one another. How can we apply these insights to our wider life and faith? 

  • What do sports teach us about endurance?
  • How is being a disciple like being a team player?
  • How can rules actually increase our freedom rather than limit it? 
  • How can we win, draw and lose well (in games and life)?
  • How can games help us discover our ‘flow state’?

Our creator God delights in us and wants us to enjoy living, working and playing together. Games are a great way to celebrate the sheer joy of being alive as blessed children of God. This month let’s discover how the Bible informs our play and how our play informs how we read the Bible. 

Right - game on!

See the PDF resource pack for weekly subthemes and daily Bible readings and thought triggers and the Discussion Question PDF that adapts the material a small group setting.