Daily Worship

Growing together

Fiona Smith April 30, 2020 0 2
Image credit: Vine Trust
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Luke 13: 18-19 (MSG)

18-19 Then he said, “How can I picture God’s kingdom for you? What kind of story can I use? It’s like a pine nut that a man plants in his front yard. It grows into a huge pine tree with thick branches, and eagles build nests in it.”

There is a wide avenue down the centre of the construction site at Kazunsu. Right now it’s scraped back earth — but in time it will become a beautiful, tree lined road leading down to the lake. One of our jobs on our Vine Trust expedition was to plant pine trees down the avenue. Working in teams of three people. One swinging a pickaxe to break up the sun-baked soil. The next nourishing the soil with compost and tenderly planting the pine samplings. The final person watering them in and building a protective fence of thorn branches around them. Working as a team to prepare the ground, plant, nourish and protect.

God prepares us, nourishes us, protects us and helps us flourish and grow – as individuals and in communities — regardless of our starting point the ultimate Gardener finds us where we are. 

Space to reflect: What is God growing in you at this time? What’s he growing in others around you? How can you help others to grow this week?


Dear God,
You are the ultimate gardener — finding us where we are
guide our hands as we seek to nourish others to grow.